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AMD, aggiornamento driver Catalyst 11.10

AMD_Radeon_LogoAMD ha da poco reso disponibili i nuovi driver Catalyst versione 11.10.I driver sono compatibili sia con Windows che con Linux.A seguire se caratteristiche principali introdotte nei nuovi driver.

Le principali caratteristiche e novità introdotte con questa nuova release sono:

AMD Eyefinity enhancements

  • Enables support for Eyefinity 5x1 display (portrait and landscape) configurations
  • Maximum supported resolution has been increased to 16000 x 16000 pixels on the AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series. (limited to DX11 applications only)
  • Bezel compensation is now possible when using sets of displays that have mismatched pixel densities.


AMD VECC/CCC enhancements

  • Improvements have been implemented to better facilitate the enabling and control of the following features within the Vision Engine Control Center / Catalyst Control Center
  • AMD Overdrive for GPUs
  • Information Center (software and hardware)

image004  image002

  • Improves performance in Battlefield 3 Open Beta release for both non-Anti-Aliasing, and application enabled Anti-Aliasing cases on the AMD Radeon™ HD 6000 and AMD Radeon™ HD 5000 Series for single GPU configurations
  • Improves performance in Battlefield 3 Open Beta release for both non-Anti-Aliasing, and application enabled Anti-Aliasing cases on CrossFire configurations using the AMD Radeon™ HD 6000 and AMD Radeon™ HD 5000 Series
  • Improves performance in Rage on single GPU configurations using the AMD Radeon™ HD 6000, AMD Radeon™ HD 5000 Series and AMD Radeon HD 4000 Series

This release of AMD Catalyst™ Linux introduces support for the following new operating systems

  • RHEL 5.7 production support
  • Ubuntu 11.10 early look support

La nuova release dei driver è disponibile al seguente indirizzo:

Press Release

Redazione XtremeHardware



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